Monday, 12 April 2010

Muffin Tin Monday

So I've decided to try writing a blog. I'm not sure how good I'll be, but I thought it would be nice to have somewhere to document things that happen to our little family.

Anyway, I recently discovered Muffin Tin Monday and decided to give it a go today! Ruby loved it. I think it's such a clever idea!

Today the theme was All the colours of the Rainbow. Ruby had red tomatoes, orange grated carrot, sort of yellow chicken roll, green jelly sweets, purple grapes and rainbow sprinkles on her yogurt. She ate almost all of it apart from the grapes which she insisted we buy this morning, typical! :)

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. Hey there first-timer, like your idea of rainbow sprinkles. Yum!

  2. I started my blog because of Muffin Tin Monday!! Great tin!

  3. Your daughter is so cute and your tin is great!
    Be careful. Blogging is addictive ;-). I can't go a day without my blog!

  4. Great job for a first timer!! Have a fun time can get addicting! Great tin!

  5. Great job! It looks delicious!

  6. looks great! welcome to mtm - and blogging!

  7. You did a great job. Wecome to Muffin Tin Mom.

  8. your daughter is adorable. Cute squishy cheekies! :)
