Friday, 14 January 2011


Well has much changed in the past 2 weeks? Plenty! Not a lot of the stuff I posted about on NY Day though.
I've gone back to work after 5 weeks off sick after having a total thyroidectomy. I worked Tuesday night and just about survived. I've actually called in sick for tonight due to a sore throat and cough. We've all been ill and Thomas has croup. That was a big change, the first time my healthy little man has been quite poorly. He is on the mend now though, the Dr gave him a prescription for steroids and they have really worked. I knew he was really not well when he didn't even want to nurse, but he nursed last night and this morning as usual so :D
So with all this illness I think I may start my plans for change on Feb 1st!!
Another change is Jon has decided to go back to his old job, that that will bring a lot of change of it's own.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

January 1st!

I want to make so many changes this year. I feel like I've become stagnant and waste so much time doing nothing. I look around my house and think of all the things I would love to do with it, I need to use space better, clear clutter, improve storage. I want to learn to use my sewing machine, learn to felt, and make button jewellery. Next Christmas I would like to be able to give more handmade gifts.
I want to start meal planning and waste less food, and bake cakes!
I need to spend less time online and more time playing with my children. I need to read my bible every day and speak to my Lord and Saviour daily too. I want my children to learn about Jesus by watching me.
I want to start swimming again, and for us to go for long walks as a family.
This Spring I want to start growing things in my garden so we can gradually become more self sufficient.